Nationwide — New York resident & military veteran Nick Hillary ( is an African American father of five children who’s life has been turned upside down for a murder he did not commit.
A police lieutenant and a former police chief said under oath that there’s no evidence tying former Clarkson University soccer coach Oral “Nick” Hillary to the killing of a 12-year-old boy. Potsdam police Lt. Mark Murray and former Chief Edward Tischler said in court documents that there’s no evidence placingHillary at the 2011 crime scene, the Watertown Daily Times reported.
In the court documents, Tischler stated that neither Hillary’s fingerprints nor DNA evidence were able to connect Hillary to the boy’s death. Both Murray and Tischler stated that there are no witnesses who saw Hillary at Market Street apartment on the day Phillips was killed.
Hillary was reindicted on murder charges in January 2015 after the charges were dropped in October, 2014. The original charges were dropped due to accusations that Rain and other prosecutors improperly questioned witnesses and injected their own opinions to the grand jury.
Hillary’s new trial will begin in November 2015.
“This is a case that is screaming for justice and every American needs to know about it. The DA prosecuting Nick Hillary ran her campaign promising to convict him for the crime. Hillary life & reputation have been destroyed and he has been threatened with bodily harm by members of the community. Nick Hillarydeserves justice,” said Hillary’s legal counsel, Attorney Lisa Marcoccia.
Nick Hillary has a Civil Rights Law Suit Pending against Potsdam Police Department that was initiated two and a half years before he was charged with murder.
In October 2010 Hillary wrote an official complaint against Deputy Sheriff John Jones stating that Jones threatened to enter his home and physically assault him. In January 2011 Mother of victim (Tandy Cyrus) wrote an official complaint against deputy sheriff John Jones that he has threatened her and she fears for the lives of her son.
To learn more about Nick Hillary, please visit
(Interviews Available with Nick Hillary as well as his Attorneys.)
Mark Goldman
Ryan McCormick