New romantic comedy web series starring predominately Black cast was written and filmed without breaking social distancing rules.
Los Angeles, CA — Los Angeles filmmaker, Tamieka Briscoe, uses virtual directing to bring her new romantic comedy series, QT, to the web. The show, about two characters who find love during the quarantine, was completely written and filmed during the lockdown without breaking any social distancing rules.
Actors Kamri Cole and Borge Etienne star as the leads in the series, which comes out with a new episode each Friday. Not only is QT unique for being produced during the quarantine, but it also offers another important dynamic in a sensitive climate.
“The cast and crew is currently made up entirely of people of color, predominately black. At a time when so many across the world are rallying to give us a voice, it feels amazing to tell our stories and depict us as individuals capable of and in search of love and belonging,” said Briscoe.
The episodes are filmed remotely from the cast members’ homes all over the country, including in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Mississippi, Texas, and Alabama.
The entire series can be seen now at
Also, follow on social media:
Facebook – TheQTSeries
Instagram – @qtseries
About QT
QT is a new romantic comedy web series completely produced in quarantine by Tamieka Briscoe.
Tamieka Briscoe