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Tuesday, February 13, 2018

7-Year Old Girl Courageously Saves Her Family From Fire

7-year old Tracy Durant

Escambia County, FL — Tracy Durant, a brave 7-year-old girl is being hailed a hero after her fast-thinking skills saved her family from a fire that broke out in their home in Florida.

Her 13-year-old cousin, Shemaiah, was cooking chicken inside their home when the fire broke out on Sunday morning.

It looked like when the stove was on and it came up top and then it kept getting bigger and bigger so I didn’t want us to get killed,” Tracy said recounting the moment she saw the flames.

Tracy, whose parents weren’t at home at that time, acted quickly and ran to a neighbor’s house to borrow a phone to call 911.

Tracy’s presence of mind and quick actions were able to save everyone including her 11-month-old cousin. Her 13-year-old cousin was rushed to Sacred Heart Hospital for serious injuries but is expected to survive.

The little girl said she learned what to do from the fire safety lessons taught by her teacher in school.

“[My teacher] said one day I would be a hero,” Tracy said. “I wanted to start practicing now.”