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Monday, March 9, 2015

Former Urban High School Principal, Baruti Kafele, Writes Book for Today’s Principals Toward Inspiring Schoolwide Excellence

Baruti Kafele new's book for principals

Bookcover and author, Principal Baruti Kafele

Jersey City, NJ — Being a school principal is tough, and if one is a current or aspiring principal who occasionally questions why he / she took on this career or how they can get better, The Principal 50: Critical Leadership Questions for Inspiring Schoolwide Excellence is the perfect book to help the principal to reflect, restore, and reenergize their work. Award-winning principal and ASCD best-selling author Principal Baruti Kafele answers 50 vital questions all principals should ask themselves.

In his inimitable style, Principal Kafele lays out the touchstones for maintaining strong leadership habits, inspiring excellence and collaboration in others, and engaging an entire school community in striving to be the best. This book will help readers to understand why Principal Kafele is one of the most sought-after consultants in education. The strategies he offers will help leaders to transform their practice and deepen their commitment to school excellence.

The Principal 50 is comprised of the following ten themes:

* The Attitude of the Leader
* School Brand
* School Climate and Culture
* Building Collegial Relationships
* Instructional Leadership
* Accountability and Responsibility
* Planning, Organization and Time Management
* Professional Learning for the Leadership
* Professional Learning for Staff
* Parental and Community Engagement

Written as “quick read” for the busy school principal or aspiring school principal, it is replete with vital information that a principal of a struggling school must have at his / her disposal toward inspiring schoolwide excellence! It can be ordered today at www.principalkafele.com

Principal Kafele is the author of six other books, including his national best sellers, Closing the Attitude Gap: How to Fire Up Your Students to Strive for Success and Motivating Black Males to Achieve in School and in Life.

Follow him on social media at:
Twitter: @PrincipalKafele
Facebook: www.facebook.com/principalkafele
Facebook: www.facebook.com/principalkafeleisonfire

Principal Baruti Kafele
(201) 424-0201