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Thursday, September 30, 2021

Shatter the Stereotypes Summit Helps Black Men Create Extraordinary Lives

Cut through race and discrimination to find the keys to success

Coach Michael Taylor

Nationwide — Entrepreneur, author, and motivational speaker Coach Michael Taylor has announced he will be hosting the Shatter the Stereotypes Summit, a personal development platform and social movement that was created specifically for Black men. The summit will break down stereotypes while supporting black men in creating extraordinary lives.

Coach Michael Taylor is an irrepressible optimist with a passion for the impossible. He overcame dropping out of high school, divorce, bankruptcy, foreclosure, depression, and being homeless — living out of his car for two years — to achieve success. He is now the author of nine books focusing on changing the roles of manhood and masculinity. The summit is based on his book Shattering Male Stereotypes – Eradicating the 10 Most Destructive Media Generated Illusions About Black Men.

“Contrary to mainstream media, I believe black men are positioned to experience unprecedented levels of success in America,” Taylor said. “What has been missing is a resource that supports them in learning how to create extraordinary lives. This is the problem I am daring to solve with my Shatter the Stereotypes platform. It fills that unfilled need for black men.”

With all of the racial tension due to police brutality and racism, black men need reasons for hope and optimism to support their journeys to creating extraordinary lives. The 12-session online summit reveals the unquestionable and undeniable truth that everyone is capable of living a successful life. It is possible to cut through racism and discrimination, change old mindsets, and find the keys to success.

Taylor said, “There has never been a better time to be alive on the planet, and my message of optimism and possibilities is what black men and the world needs right now.”

For more information and/or to register for the summit, visit stssummit.com

For press inquiries, contact mtaylor@coachmichaeltaylor.com or 877-255-3588.