Nashville, TN — Dr. Kenisha Burke empowers individuals to tell their stories, however painful they may be. Many victims of abuse, infertility, eating disorders, and other hurtful pasts are afraid to speak their truth. The author’s new memoir, Silence No More, opens the door for others to speak freely. It is a captivating and sad tale, which triumphs freedom in the end. All who read the memoir will be encouraged to face their past and survive.
Dr. Burke believes that silence can be very powerful, with the ability to hold a person hostage. She invites others to take back individual power and tell their stories, their way. Many have been forced to remain silent on so many hurtful topics and pretend that everything is okay. The new memoir encourages men and women to boldly speak their truth.
The author of Silence No More further encourages people to find their voice through one-on-one and group speech training and coaching services. Personal and professional training is offered conveniently and confidentially, in order to help clients achieve improved communication skills, and therefore have an opportunity to advance their career and effectiveness in the world. Dr. Burke also offers motivational speaking engagements to various groups. Topics such as overcoming the survivor shame, learning to love yourself, knowing your worth, and many more are passionately given by the communications expert. She also offers motivational videos and posts through her blog.
The new memoir, Silence No More, is now available on Amazon for Kindle and in paperback. To read more about the book, visit Dr. Burke’s blog at The author will be seeking volunteers to speak on a video series, which exposes silence as a force in their lives.
About Dr. Kenisha Burke:
Dr. Kenisha Burke entered her career in corporate America working for a major insurance company. Now, she is a motivational speaker, a public speaking course director, and a communication’s professor. Her credentials include a bachelor’s degree in Speech Communication, a master’s degree in Communication and Rhetorical Studies, and a Doctorate in Leadership and Professional Practice. As founder of KenBurke Communications, she offers motivational talks on a variety of topics, and strives to empower others. Visit to learn more, or contact to arrange a talk.
KenBurke Communications