— PHEN’s 10th Annual Summit on September 24-25 in Washington, DC —
Boston, MA — The Prostate Health Education Network (PHEN) announced today that it will host its “Tenth Annual African American Prostate Cancer Disparity Summit,” in Washington, DC on September 25th and 26th, 2014.
* Clarity on the Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) Test and the early detection needs of Black men.
* Increased Prostate Cancer Diagnosis Among Young Men;
* Making a Decision to Treat or Pursue Active Surveillance;
* Sexual Dysfunction Caused by Treatment;
* Clinical Trials Participation.
“There is a lot of confusion and lack of knowledge surrounding these issues among men,” said Thomas A. Farrington, president and founder, PHEN. “The Summit will address these issues collectively, which is critical to African American men who are at high risk for prostate cancer, those newly diagnosed with the disease, and for survivors seeking to maintain their quality of life.”
The Summit will include a world-renowned panel of medical experts including Arthur L. Burnett, II, MD, Professor, Department of Urology, at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Dr. Burnett’s medical contributions and biochemical research helped to pave the way for the clinical development of oral medications to treat erectile dysfunction, such as Viagra. Kathleen A. Cooney, M.D., professor of internal medicine and urology, University of Michigan (UM) led a recent UM study, which concluded that prostate cancer is striking young men at an alarming rate. Dr. Cooney will present on “Why So Many Young Men are Getting prostate Cancer.” In addition to the medical experts during this session, three “young” African American prostate cancer survivors will chronicle their personal experiences with their diagnoses at an early age.
The Summit is FREE and open to the public and will also be streamed live for those who cannot attend in person. The summit will be hosted in Washington, DC on September 25th at the Russell Senate Office Building on Capitol Hill. It will be held on September 26th at the Washington Convention Center as a part of the Congressional Black Caucus’ “Annual Legislative Conference” with Congressman Gregory Meeks (NY) as the summit’s host. (Click to View Schedule, Venues and Topics). Registration is open at www.prostatehealthed.org
About PHEN:
The Prostate Health Education Network, Inc., (PHEN) is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization founded in 2003 by Thomas A. Farrington, a prostate cancer survivor and author of the books, “Battling the Killer Within”, and “Battling The Killer Within And Winning.” PHEN is recognized as the nation’s leading prostate health patient education and advocacy organization with a focus on African Americans through its “Rally Against Prostate Cancer national initiatives“.
Tomeeka Farrington
(617) 423-0040