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Friday, May 29, 2020

“American Wisper,” the Film Hollywood Hoped Would Never Get Released, Now Streaming After 9 International Film Festival Wins

American Wisper

New York, NYAmerican Wisper is the true story of the unsolved murders of an African American family. In the summer of 2016, three children and their mother were found shot to death in their large, N.J. suburban home. They were discovered by father and husband Josiah Wisper – a brash businessman who owned bars, restaurants, stores and real estate in Harlem, New York. Wisper quickly became a pariah in the Harlem community – and was viewed with suspicion by friends, relatives, and people he had known for nearly half his life.

The film is based on true events, and based on withheld police reports issued at the time of the murders. According to producer Howard Nash, the ending will leave you speechless.

The producers want it known that they are seeking to have the original case re-opened, and feel that a film in wide release is the only way to make that happen. Nash raised his funding independently, and today remains gratified that he ignored Hollywood’s “professional” advice while he was developing the project.

Indeed, Nash says American Wisper is the movie that Hollywood hoped would never get made. When presenting the project to major studios, he was repeatedly told that “no one will ever come and see it”… and one of the most powerful producers in Hollywood once told Nash to “make the family white”, as doing so would make the project “a lot more marketable”. It has now played at festivals all over the world, won nine International Film Festival awards, and is currently nominated for seven more.

“Wisper… a very tight thriller without clear heroes or victims – thanks to a tight directorial effort, a tense script and strong performances by all involved.. it’s a genre movie that shouldn’t be missed.” — Mike Haberfelner / SMT News & Reviews

Now streaming:

Amazon Prime – https://bit.ly/american-wisper
Watch for Free – https://tubitv.com/movies/520032/american_wisper
Visit on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/wisperproject/


Howard Nash
(917) 414-6332