— Black History will be made this February 2018 —
Nationwide — There are approximately 500 billionaires in America. There are approximately 5 Black billionaires in America. Blacks represent 10-15% of the population in America. Based on 10%, there should be at least 50 Black billionaires in America.
BlackEconomicsMatter.com will autonomously, but collectively, address and develop strategies from an economic perspective to promote Black-owned businesses that are at least 51% Black-owned.
BlackEconomicsMatter.com Strategic Partners which includes: AnnaCartersTheSeedLady.com, BAMway.net, BlackTradeLines.com, DudleyQ.com, HaroldWhaley.com, Global1000.us, JobsCreatePeace.com, NuRepublic.com, SocioEconomics.org and UiNtv.net are available for interviews on this subject via radio, TV, universities, etc.
For more details, visit www.BlackEconomicsMatter.com
Bryan Franklin
(323) 816-5100