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Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Black-Owned Mobile App, WebWed, Revolutionizes the Wedding/ Legal Tech Industry and Will Forever Change the Way People Get Married

Founders of Black-owned app, WebWed

JC and Randy Banks, founders of the WebWed mobile app

Atlanta, GA — From its inception, WebWed Mobile and its owners have been dedicated to providing access to marriage and marriage equality to everyone all over the world. Now, it is with great excitement to announce the success of the mobile app. WebWed Mobile is further pleased to announce the future of the wedding industry; as it is a cross-platform mobile application that will allow people to get married and share their special wedding moment from anywhere in the world, legally and 100% online.

For the two year anniversary launch on February 14, 2018, WebWed Mobile will officially marry 20 military couples live internationally and domestic. With the armed forces in attendance, the couples to be wed, their family, friends and media, WebWed Mobile is anticipating a social media reach of over 1 million views for the live weddings. The anticipated views are projected to offer over 3 million impressions.

WebWed Mobile has set precedence by bringing together the three most powerful elements in the world – Love, Law and Technology. From the app, a couple will be able to choose a date, a wedding officiant, the witnesses and get married from their phone, tablet, or laptop. WebWed Mobile’s patented program and software allows everyone to be online simultaneously for the ceremony and be married while others are viewing and celebrating with them from anywhere in the world!

WebWed Mobile’s dedication to forward thinking, love for technology and law allows them to stay ahead of the curve. WebWed truly defines what it means to be married on your time. Your schedule dictates where, when, and what takes place. WebWed Mobile puts a stop to the fears of being turned down by churches, banquet halls, or other venues. Did we mention it is legal?

WebWed Mobile created a new type of wedding that’s neither expensive nor complicated. Invite your friends – as many as you like wherever they may be – and celebrate together via a live stream link. It’s simple and most of all, it’s legal!

For more information on WebWed Mobile, please visit www.webwedmobile.com

To contact WebWed Mobile about how you can be a part of this ground-breaking event on February 14th 2018, please contact JC at info@webwedmobile.com

Coming Soon: ONLINE DIVORCES 8/8/18 www.IDivorceU.com


JC and Randy Banks