Chicago, IL — The Morrow Girls Series as penned by D. Bryant Simmons, winner of the 2014 Independent Publisher Gold Medal Book Award for multicultural fiction, follows three generations of women from girlhood to adulthood. Simmons began the series with an emotionally charged look at what makes women stay in abusive relationships. She continues the now wildly popular series with Blue Sky.
Brilliantly written with clarity, compassion and an absorbing sense of immediacy, Blue Sky continues the saga of Pecan and her daughters as they laugh, cry, hope, dream and live their lives with amazing fortitude and loyalty to each other. Taking the reader from 1987 to 1991, Simmons shows us that, no matter how hard it is for survivors of abuse to cope with the traumatic memories of a harrowing childhood, the Morrow girls manage to keep it together by relying on their inner strength, their sensitivity to the world around them and their love for their mother and each other.
From Blue Sky: “Jackie’s cries rang in my ears, but I couldn’t make her out. Couldn’t distinguish her from the other bodies on our front lawn. Even that didn’t last very long before we took a right at the corner and sped away from the only home I ever knew.”
Currently, Blue Sky is available as an ebook and will be out in paperback on October 6, 2015. Considered one of the most wellwritten and refreshingly poignant novels for young adults and adults to come out in over a decade, Blue Sky not only examines today’s important social issues but also offers provocative perspectives concerning moral challenges, jealousy, trust, family conflicts and growing up in an often unforgiving and bewildering world.
For more information about Blue Sky and the first novel in the series, How to Knock a Bravebird from Her Perch, visit If you’re in the Chicago area and would like to attend the event, click here to RSVP.
D. Bryant Simmons, an awardwinning author and Chicago native, is also the publishing force behind newly minted, Bravebird Books. As a writer, her focus is on realistic fiction that straddles the line between art and social commentary.
Bravebird Books