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Thursday, November 21, 2019

African American Online Marketer Reveals How to Host Successful, Profitable Events

Born Logic Allah, a successful entrepreneur and respected marketing expert, has launched a Masterclass on how to host and monetize events using Eventbrite.

Born Logic Allah teaching a course

San Antonio, TX — Have you ever hosted a meet up group, a social gathering, an open house, or a workshop and had very few people attend? This may be more common than you think, it is a challenge getting people to commit their time to show up for an event. However, when you do learn how to secure attendees, it can be golden.

For business purposes, live events are one of the most promising ways to promote a service or product and get potential customers to truly pay attention.

“87% of consumers said they purchased the brand’s product or service after an event at a later date.” (Source: EventMarketer)

In the US conventions, seminars and live events are growing at a steady pace and not only in the corporate space, small businesses can benefit from face to face interaction with customers too. Enter Born Logic Allah, founder of 9Logic. Allah has created a system to help business owners and entrepreneurs understand how to organize successful events digitally and make a profit with his Eventbrite Masterclass.

This 2 hour, online, step by step video training was designed to help business owners with little to no experience, share what they do with more people via one of the most effective ways to promote a product or service, live events.

“What better way to get a person to buy into what you do, than to let them test drive and try out what you’re offering them,” comments Logic.

He spent the past 3 years testing and experimenting with hosting events to learn the best practices primarily using the popular online platform Eventbrite. “I’ve made a ton of mistakes and wasted a lot of money so you don’t have to,” expressed Allah. His company hosts 12-15 events per year for non profits, cultural festivals, independent film screenings and historic tours. Events that have had attendance from 50 people to over 1,000 attendees and have grossed anywhere from $300 to $4,000.

Things as simple as using a properly sized image showing people, including searchable key terms in the title of your event, and setting aside a budget for online ads, can boost attendance significantly. Born Logic hopes to show entrepreneurs a real world skill that will pay for itself.

To access this Masterclass and get a sneak peak of Logic breaking down a real word case study of events his team has hosted, visit www.eventbriteclass.com and follow him on Instagram @9Logic.

9Logic, a Black owned and operated video/online marketing firm based in San Antonio, TX helps companies share their story and increase visibility using social media videos.


Born Logic Allah
(210) 560-1733