Nationwide — Author Dr. Charles L. Singleton is the recipient of this year’s Atlanta VA Health Care System (VAHCS) Research Volunteer of the Year Award. His new book, Read Between the Lines, features his provocative essays for saving our children and their precious lives.
Dr. Singleton believes that how today’s society affects the education of America’s young people will determine the course of human history for generations to come. One of the most important goals of education is to instruct and to educate young people in becoming responsible citizens. Education is an invaluable resource because its tenets enable people to develop cognitively, physically, socially, and emotionally on an individual basis. In addition, an effective educational curriculum promotes individual growth and development by providing students with the opportunities to acquire moral values, social skills, and health-related fitness.
The maturation process of young people is developmental in nature. The process covers a period of growth from birth through early adulthood (0-21). However, each person’s developmental timetable is unique and completely different. Through the influence of genetics, parenting, socialization, gender, and environment, one individual may evolve with adequate life skills necessary for successful integration into society. In contrast, however, another person of the very same age can develop such unacceptable behavioral traits as insolence, defiance, violence, disruption, disrespectfulness, and indolence. These inappropriate behavioral mechanisms frequently leave the person poorly prepared for a productive life.
Dr. Singleton’s intent is that the provocative essays will help to inform and educate readers about the pressing need to save our children.
Read Between The Lines is now available in paperback or eBook at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other retailers nationwide and globally.
For more interviews, please contact Dr. Singleton at 770-891-9277 or email him at lucky713j@gmail.com
Also, learn more about Allenco Publishing Inc. at www.allencopublishing2.com
About the author:
Currently, Dr. Charles L. Singleton, a Clinical and Educational Research Consultant, is the Editor and Publisher of The Family Journal, USA & Overseas; Alston High School Garnet & Blue 1964 Journal; ECSC. ECSU Senior Class 1968 Journal, and the Atlanta Metro Alumni Journal. His brother, Isreal T. Singleton is the editor-in-review. Learn more about Dr. Singleton’s informative publications at www.gofundme.com/GeeChee-Gumee-HBCU-ECSU1891-Journal-Writer
Dr. Charles Singleton