Young readers are set to get a dose of inspiration from Christon “The Truth” Jones’ new book

Bookcover and author, Christon “The Truth” Jones
Nationwide — The Win Within by Christon “The Truth” Jones tells the story about student footballer named Christon, who is driven to win by his faith in God and the powerful bond he shares with his mother. Christon holds firmly to the belief that he’s never alone, even in his darkest hour. He realizes that in order to win he has to look within himself.
The story was written by 8-year-old Christon Jones and is based on his own experience as a student athlete. Asked what he’d like to say to other student athletes, the young author said: “Everyone loves to win and God has already given you everything you need to win, but you have to look within yourself to find the answers.”
The Win Within is an inspiring read featuring vivid illustrations that will capture children’s imagination. The book is available in paperback format at and
Janel Jones