— Meet Darnell Parker, Certified Fraud Expert and CEO of CFE —

Children participating in the Community Fitness and Education (CFE) program
Photo Credit: Darrin Widemon
Mableton, GA — Darnell Parker, Certified Fraud Expert and CEO of Community Fitness and Education (www.cfeinc.org) has been on a mission since 2004 to provide access and accountability for underserved minority boys and girls by providing fitness, nutrition and college preparatory courses. The objective of CFE is to break the cycle of chronic health problems, school retention, cyber-bullying and fiscal responsibility that is prevalent amongst underserved minority communities.
According to the site BlackDemographics.com, African-American 8th grade students have made gains in bridging the Black-White gap in certain academic areas in the last thirty years; however, a disparity remains. When looking at 8th grade mathematics scaled scores between 1990 and 2011 there is a 7-point decrease in the gap from 32 points to 25 points. A similar decrease is also seen with 8th grade reading scores between 1992 and 2009. The Black-White gap decrease was one point higher, changing from 32 points to 24 points.
Darnell Parker understands the difficulties faced by today’s minority youth. He grew up in a middle-class household until his parents divorced and he experienced firsthand the disparity of education when he was assigned to a predominately black school. “I attended a school where the students looked like me, however the parents were disengaged with the teachers, resources were at a minimum and the students suffered from chronic issues like asthma and poor nutrition. When I received a transfer, in 5th grade, to a predominately Caucasian and affluent school, I saw a startling difference in the parent participation, the resources that were available to students, there were few students dealing with chronic health issues or lack of proper nutrition. Those experiences helped me to realize what I needed to do when I got older to break the cycle for my people.”
Community Fitness Education is a privately held organization, which relies on funding from donors, local organizations and Mr. Parker to provide complimentary services to the underserved minority community. Latisha Brown says, “CFE is a wonderful organization. My son is an endangered species as a young black male and the programs at this organization have provided a framework to help him and others build positive relationships, self-confidence, independence and the ability to handle adversity.”
CFE also encourages parents to talk with their children, reduce time spent with video games, personal computers and television while promoting an active lifestyle. “Physically active children have a stronger self-image and more self-confidence, increased energy and fewer chronic health problems, so CFE encourages regular exercise and face-to-face conversations,” says Darnell Parker.
If you would like to learn more information about Darnell Parker and Community Fitness Education, please visit the website at www.cfeinc.org. Also, if you are interested in volunteering and donating to saving our children, join the movement at www.cfeinc.org/how-to-contribute/, (404) 759–9993 and via email: info@cfeinc.org.