Dionn Megginson
Houston, TX — Dionn Megginson, an 11-year old girl from Texas, is making her way to excellence. At such an early age, she has just recently started classes as a 9th grader in high school.
This week, she just completed her first week in high school and she is already excited for what’s next to come.
“I’m looking forward to going deeper into my classes,” she told Because of Them We Can.
Dionn’s parents noticed her thirst for knowledge years prior even at her early age.
“We realized Dionn was unique at a very early age, before she could walk. Teachers at her daycare would always tell us that Dionn was very smart and that she knew a lot for her age. It was suggested by them that we have her tested when she got into elementary school,” said Dionn’s mother, Sharon.
After taking the test while in Kindergarten, Dionn was promoted to first grade through credit by exam (CBE). She received the Principal’s Award each year from grade 1 to 4, which is the highest student recognition at her elementary school. At 9-years old, she entered 6th grade when she was allowed to skip 5th grade.
Now, she hopes to graduate from high school at the age of 14. She dreams of attending Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia, where she would study Mathematics to be like her role model, Katherine Johnson.