Teen Expert Reveals the Truth About Black Girls and Puberty
Dallas, TX — In the new book, Understanding My Daughter’s Brown Body, A Mom’s Guide to Raising Body-Confident Black Girls, award-winning author, teen expert and UrbanGirlz.org founder, Trenette Wilson helps parents deal with the onset of early puberty, examines why black girls begin puberty nine months to one year earlier than other races of girls and explores the physical, emotional and mental challenges brown girls face as a result.
“The early maturation for some black girls, beginning as early as six years old, puts them at risks of being perceived as older than they are, disciplined and punished more harshly than their peers and susceptible to sexual abuse and exploitation,” continued Wilson.
Her goal is to inform parents about the health challenges and physical risks unique to brown body’s and to equip them with the tools to navigate their daughter’s development. Chapters include: My Daughter’s Brown Body and Stress, Health, Mentality and Emotions, and much more all written to help parents communicate more effectively.
Wilson will kick off the release of her new book with a free online chat with parents Friday, July 27, 2018 at 12:00 p.m. CST. Where she will reveal the top reasons girls start puberty early and review highlights of the new book.
For more information about Understanding My Daughter’s Brown Body, to register for the Parent Chat or for interviews, please contact Miriam Glover at news@urbangirlz.org or call 1-800-291-6492.
About the author
Trenette Wilson is the founder and CEO of the National Association of Urban Etiquette Professionals (NAUEP), the largest association of debutante and etiquette professionals providing workshops to underserved communities in the nation. NAUEP also provides etiquette and debutante certification and materials to schools, churches and organizations impacting 50,000 youth annually. The organization’s website, www.urbangirlz.org, has gained national attention and accolades for its ability to reach today’s urban girls and teens and the people who serve them.
NOTE: Press inquiries and/or interview opportunities contact Miriam Glover at news@urbangirlz.org or call 800-291-6492.