— Leading national nonprofit for the promotion of Responsible Fatherhood and Director of the National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse, Fathers Incorporated, announces “don’t miss’ events encouraging fathers to spend time with their children – building up to the first National Save Our Sons Night on February 6, 2015! —

Planning meeting with James Beau Gaudreau, Janks Morton, Kenneth Braswell, Troy Nalls and Gordon Mills. for National Save Our Boys Night
Nationwide — On Friday, February 6, 2015, the first annual NATIONAL SAVE OUR SONS NIGHT will take place across the country. On this evening, various partners from education, the faith community, national and local nonprofits, to individual families and community members are organizing to encourage fathers to find ways to spend more quality time with their sons and to model healthy behaviors for them.
Here’s the lineup of four exciting events setting the stage for National Save Our Sons Night:
1. Los Angeles, CA, January 16, 2015 – The National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse will partner with the National Football League Players Association (NFLPA) and the 18th Annual Collegiate Bowl, along with Fathers Incorporated and community agencies and barbershops to kick-off Fatherhood Buzz: Men’s Health Matters in Los Angeles, California. Fatherhood Buzz events are community outreach opportunities for barbershops, salons, and community-based organizations to not only provide barber services, but to be a major voice of change for their local communities by providing fathers with key tips, information, and strategies on various topics. This January, barbershops and partners are challenging dads to model healthy behavior to their children and encouraging men to start thinking about their health now because men’s health matters. Healthy fathers = healthy families! For more information email info@fatherhood.gov or call 1-877-4DAD411 [1-877-432-2411]. Join the Twitter conversation via #MENSHEALTHMATTERS.
2. Carson, CA, January 17, 2015- The NFL Players Association presents the NFLPA 18th Annual Collegiate Bowl on January 17, 2015 at 1 p.m. at the Stubhub Center in Carson, CA. The game features some of College Football’s best players from across the Country. The NFLPA is partnering with Fathers Incorporated and the National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse for a second year to “celebrate mentoring on and off the field” and to support National Save Our Sons Night by giving away 2500 free tickets to fathers and their families to attend the Collegiate Bowl. Visit www.saveoursonsnight.com to get your free tickets or call 1-877-4DAD411 [1-877-432-2411]. Join the twitter conversation via #FATHERHOODBUZZ and #SAVEOURSONS.
3. Nationwide, January 18, 2015 – In conjunction with MLK Black Male Achievement Weekend, the Black Star Project announces national Take a Young Black Man to Worship Sunday on January 18, 2015, when thousands of young Black males across America will worship with Black men. How do you lead young men? Take them to worship! For more information, to find a place of worship near you, or to register your organization for this event, please call 773-285-9600 or visit www.blackstarproject.org.
4. Nationwide, January 24, 2015 – To wrap-up the January 2015 Fatherhood Buzz: Men’s Health Matters events, the National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse will partner with the Million Hearts Initiative, Affordable Care Act Health Care navigators, community agencies, and barbershops across the country to engage fathers in critical conversations on the importance of being healthy by eating right, getting exercise, dealing with stress, signing up for health insurance made possible through the Affordable Care Act, and other health services in their communities. For more information email info@fatherhood.gov or call 1-877-4DAD411 [1-877-432-2411]. Join the twitter conversation via #MENSHEALTHMATTERS.
For more information on National Save Ours Sons Night and other affiliated events, visit www.saveoursonsnight.com or email fathersincorporated@gmail.com
To learn more about Fathers Incorporated, please visit www.fathersincorporated.com
Kenneth Braswell