Nationwide — Ron Bryant, better known as ‘Cut’ is the creator and artist behind GG – a story of a grandma’s dedication to her four adopted children and her community. GG is that wise, and conscious grandmother we all remember and love. Her fans love her, and the comic has a following of more than 106,000 Facebook fans and can also be seen via private video stream.
GG is broken into four series – The Marcella Series, The Shanice Series, The Lenita Series and The Randy Series. Membership is normally two dollars per month or twenty dollars annually. But, for a limited time, fees have been waived.
“Our goal is ownership and promotion. Social media is a great tool that I will continue to use but I believe that the success of our community depends on how we create our own entertainment platforms. With that freedom, we can choose who advertises on our programs. It also gives Black businesses the required audience to promote their services and goods. Our businesses thrive, we thrive. It’s all about the village,” Ron added.
As the artist behind both Cutnedge Cartoons and GG, Ron’s work has been published in over 75 publications and websites including The Atlanta Constitution, Emerge magazine, Tom Joyner’s Black America Web, Upscale magazine, and more.
Connect with him on social media at:
Facebook –
Twitter –
Instagram –
Google Plus – @GGsplace
To sign up for free membership, visit his website at
CutnEdge Cartoons