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Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Former Foster Child Reveals How She Found Her Mom After 5 Decades

Author Grace LaJoy Henderson has just published a 4-book series that details her journey of searching for, finding, and re-connecting with her mother after almost 50 years.

Grace LaJoy Henderson with her mom

Kansas City, MO — In 2018, Grace LaJoy Henderson from Kansas City, Missouri, finally located her mother that she had not seen or spoken to in almost 50 years. Now, in her new Finding Mother book series made up of 4 compelling memoirs, she reveals all the details of her incredible search, her story of losing hope, and her victory of finally finding and reuniting with her mom.

In the book series, she even uncovers what occurred after their reunion, along with the rollercoaster of related feelings. Readers are invited to join her in her amazing journey by reading the entire story.

The engaging 4-book series includes the following titles:

* Finding Mother After Five Decades: A Story of Hope
* Reuniting with Mother: A Story of Tenacity
* After the Reunion: A Story of Acceptance
* Diary of Emotions: Thoughts and Feelings

For Grace, finally meeting her mom after missing her presence for so long was a “dream come true” – the joy of a successful culmination of a passionate search of a lifetime. So many questions needed answers and finally she had the opportunity to have them answered. She finally got to meet her mom, a funny witty lady who loves to tell stories about her life when she was growing up.

“At first, I was afraid to share my personal story of finding my mom, with all the ups and downs of life. But later on, I decided to take that risk. I was only planning to share the good, the positive, the stuff that I was comfortable with,” says Grace. “However, when people heard my story of how I found my mother after five decades, many of them told me they felt inspired. They wanted to know how I found her, where I found her, what condition I found her in and the details of what happened after I found her. Realizing others found my story to be intriguing, I am sharing all of it.”

Start by reading the first book in the series, or get them all at once. Either way, this touching, well-documented story is a must-read!

How to get the books:

The Finding Mother book series is available now for purchase at Grace’s official web site at GraceLaJoy.com/shop (Use coupon code: PREPUBSHIP to get free immediate shipping!)

The series is also available for pre-order on Barnes & Noble and Amazon


About the author:
Dr. Grace LaJoy Henderson is the author of over thirty books, which are available online at Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Target and Walmart. Her foster care story, A Gifted Child in Foster Care: A Story of Resilience, Classroom Set and her children’s book series, The Gracie Series, are in public and charter schools. Pearson Higher Education published two chapters from her foster care story in a college textbook. Newspapers, radio and television has featured her publications and her story.

She received her Doctorate in Christian Counseling with an emphasis in Writing and Research. She has served as psychology and college success instructor as well as academic coach. Outside of higher education, she is a poet, keynote speaker, workshop leader and guest author at schools, libraries and other organizations. She is a true example of a multi-faceted person, who shares her life through her writing and this book series is the clear-cut example of her courage, optimism, hope and struggle towards finding her beloved mother.


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