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Monday, August 15, 2016

Jewish Community Holds Black Lives Matter Rally in New York City

Jewish community marching for Black Lives Matter

New York, NY — New York’s Jewish community are also concerned about the lives of African Americans. An organization called Jews for Racial and Economic Justice (JFREJ) recently marched and rallied in the name of Black Lives Matter in Brooklyn’s Park Slope neighborhood. The organization was not being sarcastic either. They reportedly held a very serious, but peaceful rally protesting about police violence against people of color during which they demanded police accountability.

Yehudah Webster, a member of JFREJ and the leader of another group called Jews of Color, said, “Even though we are angry at the injustice of police brutality, we gather here for love, for lost brothers and sisters, our communities and each other.”

He continued, “Jews say Black Lives Matter not only because we know what it is to be oppressed, but also because police violence against Black people is deeply personal for Black members of the Jewish community.”

During their rally, they also publicized the City Council’s Right To Know Act, which has two primary components: “Requiring NYPD officers to identify themselves” (Intro 182) and “Protecting New Yorkers against unconstitutional searches” (Intro 541).”

For 25 years, Jews For Racial & Economic Justice (JFREJ) has pursued racial and economic justice in New York City by advancing systemic changes that result in concrete improvements in people’s everyday lives. For more details about the organization, visit www.jfrej.org