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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

African-American Author Jo Gates Allen Presents New Picture Book of Diversity — Just in Time For Father’s Day!

Jo Gates Allen

Author Jo Gates Allen and bookcover

Nationwide — Does it end with Mother’s Day, Father’s Day or Grandparent’s Day? Not likely. With a new day on the horizon is confirmation that closeness is to be celebrated. Outskirts Press Publishers announces the highly anticipated children’s picture book entitled, The Chronicles of Princea and Princess Poppa by Jo Gates Allen from Southern California.

New on the horizon is a newly acclaimed African American and self published author with a new release of a children’s picture book featuring a family of color. Sending the message that children of color have imagination, thoughts, and vision that matters. Ignoring the boundaries and insisting that their lives are just as interesting, entertaining and need to be shared. Also raising diversity awareness among publishing houses for the need of more published books featuring children of color.

During these difficult times for the family, self-published author Jo Anne Gates Allen has drawn attention to the closeness of a father and daughter relationship. She has created a story that will firmly cement the existing bond between little girls and their dad’s. Mrs. Gates-Allen puts on display in her story where the truest definition of the quote “Daddy’s Girl” really comes from.

In her touching tale a new day will dawn that includes only fathers and daughters. A day that has been named “Sparkly Day with Dad”. A special day to celebrate another loving relationship. Jo Anne Gates-Allen invites all little girls worldwide to join in and set a date for the celebration of this new day.

She has created the next, the newest not to mention most adorable little African American princess. She bears the attractive name of “Princea” (Prin-say-ah). A name befitting of only a princess. It’s not only a story of true admiration between father and daughter, it will inspire greatness and attribute to having good moral character as Princea’s character denotes. In the eyes of fathers it promotes leadership, magnificence and strength’s he never imagined he had but given him through the eyes of his child. This story, first in its chronicle will entertain families in so many ways for so long.

Although in fiction form, the story reminds us of the closeness that being in a family can award.


Book Details:
Available for US wholesale distribution through Ingram, Baker & Taylor pervasive online available through Amazon, Barnes & Noble and others include direct from publishers at www.outskirtspress.com/bookstore

Juvenile Fiction, 31 pgs. Color PB ISBN: 9781478755289 $9.95 HB ISBN: 9781478752516 $17.95

The author’s endeavor through this attractively illustrated book is to entertain children and their parents. Living in So. Cal with two daughters and witnessing this close bond with their Dad inspired The Chronicles of Princea and Princess Poppa. Thus, granting all a good feeling of high self-esteem.

For more information or to schedule an interview with Jo Gates Allen, send an email to chroniclesofprincea1st@gmail.com or call 951-665-2945


Jo Anne Gates Allen
951-350-8430 or 951-665-2945 (cell)