— Finding the truth about black lives in America without having access to the right information can be overwhelming. Blogger and author K. Gerald Torrence has made his mission to peel back the layers of misinformation and deliver the information needed to open eyes and awaken minds. The author will be appearing at the Dayton Book Expo, in Dayton, Ohio on April 29, 2017 and hopes truth seekers will attend to hear about his latest book “America’s Original Sin.” —

Bookcover and author, K. Gerald Torrence
Atlanta, GA — There is a very strong argument that can be made that most of what is taught in schools or in the mainstream media is so polluted by political (and other) agendas that the amount that’s honest and worthwhile is shockingly small. The good news is a true counter-culture has developed in an effort to try to open eyes and expose the system’s top to bottom corruption. Activist, founder of the popular TheTruthTeller blog, and author K. Gerald Torrence has been a powerful voice in this struggle. Torrence recently announced he will be appearing at the much anticipated Dayton Book Expo, April 29th in Dayton, Ohio, to promote and discuss his remarkable new book America’s Original Sin, a collection of essays where the provocative author explores racism and the continuing scourge of white supremacy in the United States.
According to Torrence, America’s Original Sin is both historical study and commentary, starting with the first black slaves being brought to America in 1619 and making its way forward to America’s current state of race relations, which despite having seen a black President serve two terms still has incredible dangerous and shameful systems of white supremacy set in place. Feedback for America’s Original Sin has been positive across the board.
Dr. Love Henry Whelchel distinguished scholar and civil rights activist writes, “America’s Original Sin is an impressive effort. People will have to take seriously works of scholarship, righteous passion and intellectual courage such as that provided by Mr. Torrence.”
For more information on the Dayton Book Expo, visit www.daytonbookexpo.com.
For more information and to purchase America’s Original Sin, visit www.the-truth-teller.com, @AOSBacktoBlack on Facebook, or call 678-884-3219.
About the Author
K. Gerald Torrence is an Atlanta lawyer, educator, writer, and social activist. Torrence is interested in nothing more and nothing less than the truth and he’s been sharing them on his blog www.the-truth-teller.com. His writings have been published in the Denver Urban Spectrum and other Atlanta area publications. Torrence is Owner and Founder of The Truth Teller Enterprises and an ordained Baptist minister.
The Truth Teller Enterprises