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Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Black Non-Profit Founder Launches Appeal to Fund Affordable Housing Project in Denver

LaRhonda Majied, founder of a Denver non-profit

Nationwide — Meet LaRhonda Majied, founder of a Denver-based non-profit organization called Philmon Majied Dynasty, Inc. (PMD), who has launched an appeal for donors to help fund their mission to provide affordable housing in the city.

The appeal comes in the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic where the spread of the disease is rising among an estimated 4,000 people without permanent housing. Still, the figures could grow with many facing evictions as a result of job loss and furloughs caused by COVID-19. Statistics indicate that one-third of Denver families are paying more than 30% of their income towards housing. However, research has shown that affordable housing is key to economic stability and mobility out of poverty.

PMD, Inc’s mission is to provide access to affordable housing for low-income households. The organization has outlined three phases of proposed projects that target the mission through the purchase of foreclosed homes and renting them at affordable prices, building an affordable housing complex for low-income earners, and providing temporary and emergency housing to veterans, homeless and domestic violence victims. Sadly, this mission is contingent on the availability of funding that the organization is currently struggling to acquire.

PMD, Inc. was founded in 2017 by LaRhonda Majied in response to the growing number of people who are forced to choose between their rent and paying for basic needs to survive. Having experienced homelessness first hand, Majied is very passionate about the cause. She said: “Local families and individuals are facing the real challenge of limited resources available to assist with safe, affordable housing in the Denver, CO area and abroad. We are committed to ending the rise of housing insecurity and plummeting quality of life. Together we can make a difference one donation at a time.”

PMD, Inc is seeking to raise a couple hundred thousand dollars to at least fund the first phase of their proposed projects which is to purchase of foreclosed homes and renting them at affordable prices. The organization is inviting businesses and individuals to make donations of any amount to their PayPal account via their website. Aside from cash donations, it is hoped that both groups will consider organizing fundraising events to benefit the appeal. For further information, visit: https://pmdinc.org/


Philmon Majied Dynasty, Inc.