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Monday, January 8, 2018

Local Hospital Kept This Doctor on Staff Despite 2 Rape Allegations From Patients

Dr. Ryan Williams

Dr. Ryan Williams

Cleveland, OH — Ryan Williams, a doctor in Cleveland Clinic who allegedly raped two patients, was kept on staff during the time that the hospital was negotiating the confidential settlement.

According to the police report, the colorectal surgeon was accused of anally raping two women in 2008 and 2009.

A 2008 police report in Westlake, Ohio gives an account on Lachelle Duncan’s horrifying encounter with Williams. She said Williams was doing a rectal exam when she felt that the doctor had inserted his penis in her rectum. She sat up and noticed that he was holding his genitals in his hands. Duncan pressed charges but Williams was not brought to trial even after she sued him and the hospital. Instead, a settlement was just made.

Kristin Fehr, the second accuser, said she went to see Williams in 2009 to have her hemorrhoid removed. She was instructed to take two pills right at that moment. She said she felt dizzy during the procedure and she left the hospital feeling disoriented. After five years, she began having disturbing memories of the encounter, with her being pushed from behind and seeing Williams holding his genitals.

Fehr reported the incident to the hospital but was surprised that the hospital didn’t take any disciplinary action regarding the matter. Williams was even used for the hospital’s promotional videos.

Williams is denying the allegations and said, “all my visits have been chaperoned.” But his former medical assistant disproves it saying that it’s not always possible due to lack of staffing.

Cleveland Clinic already released a statement and said that they have already reported both allegations to law enforcement and fully cooperated in the investigations.

“Cleveland Clinic is strongly committed to protecting the rights and safety of our patients, visitors and caregivers from any type of inappropriate behavior. We have a process for employees and patients to report any concerns, which are then thoroughly investigated. No charges were made against the physician and he passed a polygraph test. We care deeply about our patient safety and any form of misconduct is not tolerated.”

Williams has since been employed in Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center in Columbus. Currently, he is on a paid administrative leave, and is not seeing patients.

According to USA Today, OSU have only learned about the cases when they were contacted.