LouddMouthRadio.com is a rapidly growing internet radio media platform that has connected local, regional and national exposure of content to individuals & families with engaging business, social, cultural and lifestyle centered topics.

Sonny and Jazzie Jones-Smith, the co-hosts and founders of Louddmouth Radio
Nationwide — LouddMouth Radio broadcasts live, on-demand, unscripted, & unfiltered discussions that include entrepreneurship, real estate, politics, entertainment, LGBTQ topics, and self improvement.
As an interactive brand media outlet, LouddMouth Radio has garnered local, regional, statewide and global recognition covering various events, built sound relationships in business & community engagement since its launch in January 2013 in Atlanta, Georgia. The network has succeeded in creating national and global influence & exposure as an informative & respected online media network. Sonny & Jazzie of LouddMouth Radio Network were featured in Huffington Post, Washington D.C White House/SBA: Many Faces One Dream Tour, the Nationwide Freedom to Marry Marriage Equality Initiatives, #MAYDAYGAEquality, The New Civil Rights Movement Blog, NPR, AJC newspaper, Savannah Morning News, The Georgia Voice, the largest European LGBTQ news outlet – The Pink News. LouddMouth Radio also provided media & press coverage for the 2016 Presidential Campaigns of Hillary Clinton & Bernie Sanders. In April of 2017, Georgia House of Representative Keisha Waites and the Georgia Secretary of State recognized LouddMouth Radio Network on the Capital Floor as an “Outstanding Georgia Business & Goodwill Ambassador”.
Through the use of robust state of the art digital technology, LouddMouth Radio’s audiences are able to listen to live and archive show content on any landline, cell phone, computers, tablets TV devices such as Apple TV & ROKU and in-car dash system apps such as Stitcher Radio.
“Steady growth & audio branding is the concentration,” states Producer & Host, Sonny Jones-Smith. “Small businesses look to leverage their brands with platforms that can create effective & obtainable marketing that can create ongoing opportunities for higher returns of investment. LouddMouthRadio.com originally launched in January 2013, each year we worked diligently to advance our network, we integrated media and marketing into one platform which allows a small budget to receive repeat usage of their content.”
To date, the network has now expanded its reach and access to over 250 million active listeners, due to the radio network’s integration into over 100+ popular internet radio apps such as Apple & Google Podcast, IHeart, Tune In Radio, PlayerFM and more under the Podcast labeled Channel “LouddMouth Radio Network” displaying over 7 years of show content available on demand 24/7.
LouddMouth Radio’s Platform has consistently revolved around diverse groups of people and various content from a mixture of media & business branded personalities with unique show content on the network- from the Radio’s first show – {Night Talk Live w/JL King & Sonny} with Controversial Author JL King & Producer Host -Sonny, {The Bare Truth -Love, Life, Sex & Flowers with Jazzie Jones-Smith}, {The Universal Mind w/Roderick Watkins}, {In The Studio with Sonny} and {The Legal Voice} – which provides a platform for special correspondent guest attorneys to provide Legal Education to the network listening audience.
LouddMouth Radio’s most popular broadcast show to date with well over 50 broadcast shows of archive content are -T.E.A Time (The Entrepreneurial Academy) an entrepreneur series – providing small businesses with a 30-minute minimum interactive interview segment to ”Audio Brand their business” by educating, showcasing and informing the public & potential customer base within their surrounding communities about their business products & services.
For the network’s 7th season Premiere – LouddMouth Radio launched its newest show – Off The Market – a real estate show discussing all things real estate with the 1st show’s special guest Ben Slayton of Legacy Home Loans – who is also recognized as the 1st Black Realtor in the U.S. LouddMouth Radio Off The Market: Ben Slayton of Legacy HomeLoans
The network is now open for media & production scheduling of new show content for 2020 with an open call for real estate & mortgage professionals & entrepreneurs to register for appearance, media partnerships & coverage.
LouddMouth Radio is a part of the LouddMouth Brand, a conglomerate of marketing, media and entertainment platforms now reaching its 14th year of existence under the LouddMouth Marketing & Entertainment Group entities.
For more information, visit http://LouddMouthRadio.com and follow them at https://www.facebook.com/louddmouthradio/
Sabrina Jones-Smith
(706) 363-3895