Mandy Bowman, founder of the Official Black Wall Street app
New York, NY — Following the success of Official Black Wall Street’s web-based platform featuring over 1,900 listings by Black-owned businesses, the social enterprise, known as the “black yelp” is crowdfunding to make buying black even easier through the Official Black Wall Street app.
“This is something I really believe in and I know it will have a major financial impact on our community. After all of the tragic events that have affected us lately from Philando Castile to Alton Sterling, it is extremely important for us to protest with our money. We’ve learned through history that policies are changed when bottom lines are impacted. The Official Black Wall Street app will undoubtedly take this movement to another level,” said Mandy Bowman, founder of Official Black Wall Street.
Since it’s inception in 2014, Official Black Wall Street has been recognized by various publications from Madame Noire to Bossip and has grown to over 110K engaged followers across Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. With two weeks left to raise $30,000 for app development, Bowman is confident that the community will pull together to fully fund the project.
For more information and to make a pledge, head to www.kickstarter.com/projects/1116536444/official-black-wall-street-app-your-guide-to-buyin
Find Official Black Wall Street on Facebook (www.facebook.com/officialblackwallstreet), Twitter (www.twitter.com/TheBlackWallSt) and Instagram.
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