9-year old Morgan E. Taylor and G.Todd Taylor pose with the rest of their family members during a recent appearance at the ESSENCE Music Festival
New Orleans, LA — For the 3rd consecutive year, 9-year old Morgan E. Taylor and G.Todd Taylor, her father, participated in the Author Pavilion at the 2018 ESSENCE Music Festival. Their repeat participation was based on the popularity of offering books that reflect positive images of African American children.
“Every little girl should believe she’s a Princess,” said Morgan. “Princesses come in all shades.”
Daddy’s Little Princess derived from a conversation Morgan had with her dad and co-author G.Todd Taylor about the lack of diversity seen in children’s books about royalty.
“My dad always called me his little Princess,” Morgan said. “But I didn’t believe I could be a real one because I didn’t see any that looked like me.”
“It gave me so much joy to see the new Dutchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle,” she added. “So it’s extra special when I have an opportunity to introduce so many others.”
The recent marriage of Ducheses Meghan Markle has sparked a renewed interest in royalty.
“Research shows that diversity in literacy increases the educational success of minority children,” says Diane Taylor, the publisher. “This book excites, ignites and educates young readers. We wanted to inform and build self-esteem.”
Daddy’s Little Princess has been featured on national mediums including the International Civil Rights Center and Museum, Essence.com, TODAY show online, TheRoot.com, Yahoo News, Teen Vogue, Huffington Post and many more.
Morgan’s motto is “Rock Your Crown” and she’s been rocking hers and encouraging others since Daddy’s Little Princess was published. Her website is www.daddyslittleprincess.me. She and her signed books at 11am on Sat. July 7 in the Author Pavilion at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center.
G.Todd Taylor is a former educator and has authored several Children’s books. He autographed two of his other books Dad, Who Will I Be? and I Don’t See Color at the Author Pavilion as well.
Diane Taylor
Vanesse Lloyd-Sgambati
The Literary Media and Publishing Consultants
(215) 877-2012 or (215) 888-4673