Bookcover and author, Lakesa Cox
Nationwide — Imagine a teen from present day being transported back to the year 1816. Then imagine if that teen finds out she’s not only in the year 1816, but she’s also a slave. LaKesa Cox’s fourth novel, Mulatto Girl Aggie, 13: Name on the Ledger (released on April 6, 2017), transports the reader back in time with its rich depiction of life on a slave plantation during the Pre-Civil War era.
Mulatto Girl Aggie, 13: Name on the Ledger is “a rich, upbeat, intriguing story that captures teen angst, time travel and a powerful history lesson that will resonate with readers of all ages.” — Denise Anquenette, contributing author to the best-selling anthology, Single Mama Dating Drama.
LaKesa has published three adult, fiction novels and was also a contributing author to three anthologies, one of which is an award-winning, national bestseller. Mulatto Girl Aggie, 13: Name on the Ledger is LaKesa Cox’s first YA/teen novel.
Copies of Mulatto Girl Aggie, 13: Name on the Ledger are available at all major booksellers, including Black Rose Writing, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble.
Visit www.lakesacox.com for contact details, photos and an author bio.
Review copies available upon request
Black Rose Writing