— ‘Startup Pro’ Designed to Free People from Dead-End Jobs —

Wilmington, DE — A new book by a staffing firm owner providing tools designed to help people free themselves from dead-end jobs and start successful businesses.
While Startup Pro serves as a useful resource for anyone wanting to start their own businesses, it is especially designed to empower women and those with limited resources.
“My goal is to guide others to the decision of which path to take on the road to self-employment,” Clay said. “I find that most folks already know what they want deep down inside. My book and my coaching are designed to bring out those entrepreneurial desires and help people connect with their God-given purpose to create fulfilling and rewarding lives.”
Startup Pro also includes business resources, including access to capital for qualified startup businesses. Clay is offering workshops, coaching, and speaking engagements to help others create inspiring alternatives to monotonous work. Please send an email for additional information: StartupProCoaching@gmail.com.
About Ramona Clay
Ramona Clay is an entrepreneur with more than 20 years of experience in recruiting and coaching. She is also an inspirational author with an emphasis on Christian values. Clay started most of her small businesses, including her successful executive search firm, Optimum Executive Search, with little or no funds. Today, she helps others tap into their God-given gifts and talents to find fulfillment, meaningful employment, and success. She is also a seminary student in a graduate program pursuing Christian Counseling. Her coaching work includes teaching others to develop successful career strategies, including resume writing and placement from a divine perspective. Clay currently resides in Wilmington, Delaware.
Learn more about Startup Pro and order the book online at www.StartupProCoaching.com or Amazon.com.
Ramona Clay