Southern California — When novelist J.A. Faulkerson set out to write his first novel, he didn’t know where he would end up. He knew he wanted to write a story that empowered Africans and African Americans, but the full story had yet to form in his mind. But then, while conducting an Internet search on African Adinkra symbols, he came across an image that would serve as the foundation for his first novel, Adinkrahene: Fear of a Black Planet.
The story opens with an unpublished excerpt from Frederick Douglass’s slave narratives. In the 1843 excerpt, Douglass writes about his encounter with a green-skinned alien named Daygon. Daygon and other members of the Satarian race reside under the surface of Mars, and were created by Lucifer, or Satan, to one day take possession of the Earth and rule over its inhabitants. Lucifer’s aim is to prove that he is God’s better. But Daygon, an infiltrating Satarian demon turned human loyalist, tells Douglass that Earth’s darker-skinned people have been designated by the one, true God to serve as planetary protectorates, being gifted with innate powers derived from the lost Garden of Eden. Daygon contends that this special gifting was bestowed on Earth’s darker-skinned people because Adam and Eve were created from the dark sands of Eden, Africa, and, by today’s standards, would be considered black.
Fast forward to today, and readers meet Jonathan Fraiser, a Washington Post political reporter, who is attending an impromptu press conference in the Russell Senate Office Building. During this press conference, Mississippi Senator Kyle Shuler announces his bid to run against incumbent Herbert Newsom in the 2012 presidential election. Four years earlier, Newsom was overwhelmingly elected as America’s first, black president. But Jonathan knows Kyle Shuler’s dirty, little secret – that he and two of his friends murdered an elderly, black woman when they were teenagers.
This elderly, black woman was FBI agent Selina Giles’ grandmother and legal guardian. Selina was eleven years old when Kyle Shuler and his friends slit her grandmother’s throat. She is also present for the press conference, at the invitation of the Shuler family. Because Jonathan and Selina are longtime friends, having attended and graduated from the same college, they meet for dinner. During this dinner meeting, Selina tells Jonathan that she now knows Senator Shuler murdered her grandmother as an initiation rite for the leaders of the Corporate Cabal. She later gives him an aluminum card with an Adinkrahene symbol and telephone number on it. She encourages Jonathan to call the number. Jonathan does call the number, which ultimately leads to his initially joining forces with Selina as an Adinkrahene Agent to prevent Kyle Shuler from becoming the leader of the free world. But their relationship sours when Selina abruptly severs her ties with the Adinkrahene Reparations Management Syndicate (ARMS) to lead Black-Out, a black militia group that is committed to avenging the Black Diaspora’s fallen heroes by any means necessary.
Adinkrahene: Fear of a Black Planet is available for online purchase through Kindle Direct Publishing ($3.99 electronic edition) and Createspace ($7.99 print edition).
Read an extended excerpt from Adinkrahene: Fear of a Black Planet on the African-American Literature Book Club (AALBC) website at
For additional information about Novelist J.A. Faulkerson, read his blog at
Jeffery A. Faulkerson
(919) 604-4585