— High School, Community College, University/College, Pre-med and Post-Baccalaureate Students Invited to Attend at NO COST | Sat., March 19, 2016 —

Physicians Medical Forum 2015 Doctors On Board students in Mock Suture Clinic learn knot tying techniques
Oakland/ San Francisco, CA — Physicians Medical Forum (PMF) aims to expand the pipeline and the number of African American/Black students who want to become physicians. PMF also provides a network of support that encourages medical students and residents to pursue their careers as physicians in the Oakland/San Francisco Northern California, Bay Area.
Stalfana Bello, M.P.A., Physicians Medical Forum Executive Director, stated, “The Doctors On Board Pipeline Program is a one of a kind program that pulls together major resources to focus students on becoming physicians. The beauty of DOB is that almost all of the students will be the “First Generation” in their families to become doctors or pharmacists.”
Dr. Albert L. Brooks, PMF President and Chief of Medical Services at Washington Hospital in Fremont, California said, “Historically, African American/Black students have had extremely limited access to higher education and without exception in the field of medicine. This remains to be a startling truth, even today. Doctors On Board provides students their first step to successfully manage their exciting journey to becoming doctors.”
Many of Northern California’s most prominent physicians, including members of the Sinkler Miller Medical Association and representatives from medical schools in Northern California and nationwide, will provide students with an innovative opportunity to explore varied facets of medicine and provide information about medical school preparation, specialties field, and life as a physician.
Segments of the DOB Program will include:
* Workshop on admissions & financial aid; information on the revised SAT Exam
* Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT) Preparation
* Workshop with currently enrolled medical students and residents
* Mock medical clinics with real patients
* Knot Tying Basic Skills Training
* Mock suture clinic training session
* Mentoring interviews with more than 50 physicians of varying specialties from throughout the Northern California Bay Area
* Workshop for parents and families of future doctors
* Students will be awarded Certificates of Completion immediately followed by a reception (at the end of program)
Students who wish to take part in this innovative, inter-active, one-day program may learn more and register by visiting www.PMFMD.com. Interested parties must submit a Student Application online or via mail as soon as possible, and must be received no later than 5:00 p.m., Friday, March 4, 2016. Parents, guardians and adult family member of students who are accepted into the program may also register at the website to attend the workshop, “Guide to Parents/Family of Future Doctors.”
WHO: Physicians Medical Forum (PMF)
WHAT: “Doctors On Board Pipeline Program” (Pre-Medical School Conference)
WHEN: Saturday, March 19, 2016 | 6:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M.
Registration & breakfast (6:30 A.M. – 7:30 A.M.)
Workshops, mentoring, lunch, mock medical/suture clinics (7:30 A.M.-4:30 P.M.)
Workshop: Guide for Parents/Family of Future Doctors (2:30 P.M.- 4:30 P.M.)
Certificate of Completion Award ceremony and reception (4:30 P.M. – 5:30 P.M.)
WHERE: Oakland Marriott City Center | 10th and Broadway, downtown Oakland
Leading physicians, faculty, residents, medical students and business professionals will instruct, mentor and network with the program’s student participants. They will include representatives from the PMF Board of Directors, Kaiser Permanente, Sinkler Miller Medical Association (SMMA), Student National Medical Association (SNMA), UCSF, UC Davis, and Stanford Schools of Medicine, Well Fargo, US Navy Medical Officers Program, Tour for Diversity in Medicine, Highland Hospital and San Francisco General Hospital (partial list).
Physicians Medical Forum is supported by The California Wellness Foundation, Kaiser Foundation Hospital Fund for Community Benefit Programs at the East Bay Community Foundation, California Healthcare Foundation, Sinkler Miller Medical Association, San Francisco Foundation, Wells Fargo, The Talaton Group and the National Medical Fellowships.
The Physicians Medical Forum is an Oakland, CA-based non-profit 501(c)(3) whose mission is to encourage recruitment and retention of African American/Black physicians to eliminate health disparities; improve access to care; and maintain diversity within the profession, thereby, improving the quality of healthcare for the community overall.
PMF programs and initiatives include: Community Health Ambassadors Internship Program; Doctors Rock Workshop Series on Mentoring, Exam Prep, Interview/Personal Statement Skills Clinics; Physicians mentoring and networking events, studies on physicians’ retention and recruitment; Visiting Elective/Visiting Clerkship Resident Scholarships, physician education and development; providing scholarships for medical students and residents; networking with legislators and medical organizations; and community outreach programs. For more details, visit www.PMFMD.com
EDITORS: The following “Doctors On Board Pipeline Program” participants are immediately available for pre-event interviews:
* Stalfana Bello, M.P.A, PMF Executive Director & Conference Coordinator
* Albert L. Brooks, M.D., PMF President
* Warren J. Strudwick, M.D., PMF Chief Financial Officer
* J. Renee Navarro, PharmD., M.D., Vice-Chancellor, UCSF School of Medicine, PMF Board
* Joy Foster, M.D., President, Sinkler Miller Medical Association
* Kafi Hemphill, Assist. Conference Coordinator, UCSF School of Medicine, medical student
* Gabriel Washington, medical student, Stanford School of Medicine
To arrange interviews, contact:
Llesenia Jones | 510-395-7001 | lleseniapmf@gmail.com
Llesenia Jones
Physicians Medical Forum
Stalfana Bello, M.P.A
Physicians Medical Forum Exec. Dir.