Poet and Author Ingrid Herndon Greene Reflects on Writing as Therapy in Her Essay “Why I Write”
Red Lava
Supernatural electricity
I am poetry.
Ages ago and forever the nervous system of God.
Purple, plum, and wine
Energizing hues
Yes, I am poetry.
Waterfalls, rapids, and volcanic thunderings
are all inside of me.
Ingrid Herndon Greene
Nationwide — I am inwardly driven to write about myself, my surroundings, my bloodline, and about others. It is a burning desire that I feel. Writing is my way of sharing. It also is the way that I give back some part of what has been given to me. A lot of time and energy was invested in me in my early years. Now I am over flowing with enthusiasm. Writing is my spiritual outlet. I write honestly of victories or severely painful experiences. The point of my writing is to keep my mind open, unbound, and full of hope. I find writing to be a powerful tool. Used with a little faith and a great deal of wisdom my writing is a source of inner healing. Writing is therapy.
I was a young wife and mother married to an older stern husband. I have survived years of depression. In the midst of being in a violent household, I escaped from intimidation through writing poetry. Writing poetry gave me peace of mind and hope for a better future. Because I escaped domestic violence unharmed I wrote an essay about my sad experience of being married. By writing I can fly freely like the eagle. My mother told me as a young adult to “work out my own soul’s salvation.” I will be faithful to write continually because writing has been my soul’s safety net. I write because I get contentment from writing and a better self-image. I see writing as part of the solid rock that I stand upon. I predict that in the future my writing will take me on an adventure and open doors for me that I do not know exist.
I was raised as a Christian and taught at an early age to believe in a higher power. I grew up reading the Bible. Now I write to fulfill a spiritual requirement. I believe it is true that “to whom much is given much is required.” I am thankful for the opportunity to write using any talents or skills that I possess. Furthermore, being divorced and having lived with depression, writing fills a void in my life. I am determined to fill the emptiness in my life with creative self-expression. Writing is my humble way of keeping a clean and sound mind.
Certainly, writing for me is an answer to a sincere prayer. It is a way to express the love of God within me. I do not know what the future holds but I am sure that writing will be a part of my future.
Ingrid Herndon Greene is a poet and author. To learn more about her work, contact her at IHGSTUDIOS@yahoo.com or call (347) 702-3633.
Ingrid Herndon Greene