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Friday, December 8, 2017

Police Officer Indicted For Shooting Black Man Suspected of Trying to Steal His Own Truck

Black man shot by police in his own truck

31-year old Lyndo Jones was shot twice by a police officer who suspected him of breaking into his own truck

Dallas, TX — Derick Wiley, the former police officer who fired his weapon at Lyndo Jones last month in Texas after he suspected that he was stealing a truck, has been indicted by a grand jury. It turned out that the truck Jones was in, was in fact, his truck.

Body cam and dash cam footage from the night of the shooting exist but have not been publicly released. But the video reportedly shows 31-year old Jones in his truck trying unsuccessfuly to turn off the vehicle’s alarm system.

After trying to explain and refusing to comply with the officer’s commands, Wiley, a 10-year veteran on the Mesquite Police Department  force, then shoots Jones in the back and abdomen.

Initially, Jones was hospitalized and charged for evading an arrest but the charges were later dropped. His injuries, however, are quite serious. After being released from the Intensive Care Unit, he had to return days later to be treated for an infection and possible case of pneumonia as a result of his wounds.

Meanwhile, Officer Wiley, who had initially been placed on paid administrative leave, has now been fired.

Jones later told reporters that he was “happy to be alive.”

Watch Lyndo Jones’ interview below: