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Tuesday, May 6, 2014

North Carolina Public Television Discusses the Film “Racial Taboo” on Popular Black Issues Forum

— A Diverse Roundtable Explores the Film’s Goal of Encouraging Conversations about Race Between Black and White People —

Racial Taboo Film

Wilmington, NC — Wave Communications Films is pleased to announce that their film Racial Taboo was featured on UNC-TV’s Black Issues Forum, hosted by Deborah Holt Noel. During the show, a self-identified conservative Republican asks himself why he finds it so uncomfortable to talk about race. He sets out to answer the question in his film Racial Taboo, and shares his journey of discovery.

Guests on the show include Brian Grimm, the film’s director; Rev. Terence Williams, president of Scotland County NAACP and founder of The Word International Fellowship Ministries, located in Laurinburg, N.C.; and Rev. Eric Porterfied, senior pastor at Winter Park Baptist Church in Wilmington, N.C. This show will also be available online after the air date at: http://video.unctv.org/video/2365238029/.

So why does the subject of “race” continue to be a taboo subject in much of America? A recent Reuters poll on race may offer a clue (http://reut.rs/1gVBzu7). This study indicated that 40% of white people in America do not have a friend (often not even an acquaintance) of different color. According to the film’s director, Brian Grimm, “We just don’t know each other, but we are trying to change that in an innovative way using film, and we see it working.”

“The film’s true power is realized when it is watched by black and white people together and then audience members talk about it,” continued Grimm. In fifty-three minutes the film Racial Taboo takes an honest, yet entertaining, look at America’s racial history and why that legacy continues to affect us today.

Here’s what people are saying:

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Black Issues Forum is an original weekly half-hour series airing on North Carolina’s statewide PBS network UNC-TV since 1987. Each week a topic of interest to the state’s African American community is considered.

Wave Communications Films
Brian Grimm – 910.616.5200