Nationwide — Certified Holistic Health Coach and Aromatherapy expert, Renee Hughes specializes in educating and coaching women with endometriosis, fibroids and other chronic conditions. She guides them to holistic approaches to find understanding of their condition and to support relief of some common symptoms such as lack of sleep, chronic discomfort, depression, anxiety and imbalanced hormones.
Black women are tired of accepting that poor health is the “norm” for them and they are ready to help their bodies fight back and to be educated on how to care for themselves naturally. These beautiful women are shouting “There is nothing normal about not being able to get out of bed for weeks at a time, nothing normal about packing a go bag for the emergency room not knowing how long your stay will be at the hospital. We want answers, we want relief”.
Renee is very passionate about supporting the Black community. “I know what that pain feels like and I remember at one point working with a holistic specialist that cost $200 an hour. I wanted our community to have a better option and now they do,” she says.
For more details about Renee Hughes or her services, visit
Or contact her at or (678) 250-3202.