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Wednesday, June 10, 2015

New Audio Book Details First Fictional & Most Probable Legal Battle For African-American Reparations

— Free copies are now available of “Reparations I: The Attorneys” – a full cast audio drama by a veteran XM/ Sirius producing partner —

Reparations I: The Attorneys By K. Anderson Yancy

Cover of full cast audio drama

Los Angeles, CA — In Reparations I: The Attorneys, a full cast audio drama with over 50 performers, researched and produced over 23 years, two African-American attorneys, best friends, find themselves opposing council in the reparations legal battle for the African-American Holocaust – over 400 years of: Slavery, apartheid and vast forms of discrimination and genocide – at the hands of the United States, while navigating the U.S. legal system and wrestling with the resulting personal turbulences in their lives.

Reparations I: The Attorneys surveys myriad current Reparations battles and issues within the U.S.: White, African, African-American, Jewish, Chinese, Muslim, Mexican, Native American…Slavery; illegal Italian-American & German-American WWII internment; Hawaiian & Guam Reparations; (2) U.S. Mexican-American Ethnic Cleansings: (1929-1939) The Mexican Repatriation & (1954 – ????) Operation Wetback {Sadly its True Name}; illegal U.S. medical experimentation, nuclear irradiation, biological warfare test on its citizens; and so much more.

At 15.5 hours, the length of a 22 week dramatic television series less commercials. It covers a year as the two dueling attorneys move to the trial’s commencement and gives unique views of long, complex paths to justice.


Reparations I: The Attorneys’ available FREE two ways:

It’s available FREE at Amazon’s Audible at www.Rep1.us and the link (Reparations I: The Attorneys) by signing up for a FREE 30 day trial.  Cancel the FREE trial prior to 30 days and keep your copy.


It’s available FREE if you leave a review of Reparations I: The Attorneys on your newspaper be it Daily, Weekly, College, High School…magazine; blog; Newsletter, website…wherever. Please send a request to: Rep1USYancy@gmail.com (The supply’s limited so submit your request as soon as possible.)


About the Author

From 2003 – 2013, K. Anderson Yancy was a producing partner of XM/Sirius Satellite Radio, providing SonicMovies, premium audio content that sounds like movies to its Book Theater & Playboy’s Sexy Stories.

He’s written, adapted, directed, produced and performed in 300+ SonicMovies; been anthologized with John Grisham, Scott Turow, Erle Stanley Gardner and other authors of note in the Mammoth Book of Legal Thrillers, a #1 Bestseller in Australia and Bestseller in Europe; written countless long and short stories; appeared in commercials and ads for McDonald’s, Buick, …industrial videos; and written, directed, and shot several short films.

He’s earned degrees from Los Angeles Valley & City Colleges in broadcasting and film; and from Northwestern University, complements of the nation’s Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps, with majors in Economics and Naval Science. A Naval Officer, he earned a M.S. in Real Estate & Urban Development, at The American University; following the Navy, a Jurist Doctorate, from George Mason University School of Law.


K. Anderson Yancy