Shelia Benjamin Inusah
Photo credit: CDR Photography
Nationwide — Shelia Benjamin Inusah, a renowned inspirational / motivational speaker via her organization called One Life, travels the world speaking and motivating others to reach their full potential. She is heading off to Ghana on the July 19th, and then on to Liberia. Her upcoming trip to Africa will include visiting the sick, homeless, and orphaned children. She will also help to build a well in Liberia, as well as open a Christian academy in Ghana.
Daily, they help the homeless, battered women, suicidal people and at-risk youth among others. They are dedicated to every individual they come in contact with, and their purpose is to help people see their true potential – with a never quit attitude and unwavering faith!
Their organization offers workshops, seminars, keynote speaking, and coaching – aiding others in personal and professional growth through study and practical application of proven leadership methods. Inusah comments, “Working together, we will move you and/or your team or organization in the desired direction to reach your goals.”
If interested in making a donation or having Shelia Benjamin Inusah speak at your next event, call (505) 285-9838.
One Life