Nationwide — Actress Janet Hubert, who played Aunt Viv in the 90’s sitcom “Fresh Prince of Belair”, said in a HuffPost Live interview that Stacey Dash needs to get her story straight, and that somebody needs to “slap the little bit of Black off her.” She even said that Dash’s criticism of Black History Month and BET doesn’t even make sense because Dash has worked on BET more than most actresses have.
“I think she’s just saying this kind of bull because she wants sensationalism and she’s working for Fox and she needs a job and she’s making a check,” she added.
But Stacey Dash fired back
Dash, however, has since responded to Janet Hubert and other critics via her blog saying: “I’m not saying we as black people deserve LESS respect. I’m saying we deserve MORE. Black History should be a part of social studies and history curriculum EVERYDAY OF EVERY MONTH OF EVERY YEAR.”
Dash added, “Black history IS American history. We are not a category or a special interest group. We are Americans.”
She then explained that she feels it’s not fair to limit the accomplishments of people like Martin Luther King Jr., Barack Obama and Frederick Douglass into just one month. She continued, “Our accomplishments cannot be limited to 28 days. Do not listen to liberals who try to limit you, to put you into a box, to tell you that you MUST believe one way or another, that you cannot think for yourselves, and that the government can ‘give’ you a ‘special month.'”
Sounds good Stacey, but…
Stacey’s comment sounds good and dandy now, but it also sounds a lot different from what she originally said.
On a recent episode of Fox News, she said: “We have to make up our minds. Either we want to have segregation or integration. And if we don’t want segregation, then we need to get rid of channels like BET and the BET Awards and the Image Awards where you’re only awarded if you’re Black. If it were the other way around, we would be up in arms. It’s a double standard.”
Watch the video below: