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Cast of The Tea®
Nationwide — In selecting An American Marriage, Oprah said: “It’s the perfect book to read along with a friend or a family member… you’ll want to talk about it with somebody. It’s one of those books I could not put down!”
The cast of The Tea are professional women who share their own stories, inspired by themes in the books they choose. They hope to grow a global Book Club by inviting viewers to join the online conversation and keep it going and growing.
Shows are posted every Thursday at 7pm on their Facebook page and YouTube channel at and
The Tea’s Monthly Video Release Schedule
Week 1 – The Book Selection
Week 2 – Get2Know (the Authors)
Week 3 – The Book Discussion
Week 4 – Beyond the Book
In 2017, Burke and Kate Wood set out to create a book club show that would be entertaining and empowering, targeted to people who love books and talking about them. Troy Johnson of the AALBC assists with book selections, and much of the studio shooting is done at Harlem School of the Arts.
Kate Wood
Bcreative Digital Media
(609) 213-9072