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Thursday, April 19, 2018

The Two Black Men Arrested at Philadelphia Starbucks Finally Speak Out — And the Police Chief Apologizes!

Rashon Nelson and Donte Robinson, Black men arrested at Starbucks

Rashon Nelson and Donte Robinson, Black men recently arrested at Starbucks

Philadelphia, PA — Rashon Nelson and Donte Robinson, both 23-year old entrepreneurs, are the two men that were recently arreted at a Starbucks in Philadelphia. The manager reportedly called police because they were sitting in the cafe, and had not made a purchase. Now, the two have finally spoken out.

The two men were interviewed on ABC’s Good Morning America and countless other news outlets. They told reporters, “We do want to make sure it doesn’t happen to anybody again. What if it wasn’t us sitting there? What if it was the kid that didn’t know somebody that knew somebody? Do they make it to jail? Do they die? What happens?”

They added, “When you know that you did nothing wrong, how do you really react to it? You can either be ignorant or you can show some type of sophistication and act like you have class. That was the choice we had.”

“You go from being someone who’s just trying to be an entrepreneur, having your own dreams and aspirations, and then this happens. How do you handle it? Do you stand up? Do you fight? Do you sit down and just watch everyone else fight for you? Do you let it slide, like we let everything else slide with injustice?” they concluded.

Meanwhile, the police commissioner, Richard Ross, who is also African American has also issued an apology to the two men. Initially, he defended the way his officers’ handled the incident. But he has since retracted that statement, saying that he “failed miserably” in addressing the situation.