Chesapeake, VA — Dr. Vivian A. Anderson is an African-American handicapped female senior citizen who from 1997 thru 2000 served as a chairperson for the Pittsylvania County Community Action Organization (PCCA). She is a Class “A” contractor, and a community activist for the poor, disadvantaged, and underprivileged of which includes the elderly, veterans, and the homeless.
She received a call from detective David Whitley of the Danville Police Department on 01/12/11, followed by answering the door to two Chesapeake police officers standing on her front porch around 7:30pm and being questioned by officer McGanty while at home for about an hour and a half and leaving without incident, however; returning within about twenty minding her own business, for forty-five minutes and to force her into custody. Dr. Anderson says she agreed to voluntarily go with the police for questioning due to being alone while attempting to prepare herself, and was allowed to grab a few items to show to whomever she was to appear before that it wasn’t appropriate to force her into custody without any reason nor correspondence.
Before leaving Dr. Anderson’s bedroom by Officer McGanty under the guise of asking if there are any weapons on the property, though being denied the right to an attorney at the station while questioned by Clinician Michael Gay of the Chesapeake Community Service Board.
As a result of being in custody over five hours, Dr. Anderson says she was forced to re-live the past and has knowledge of, and have witnessed, was subjected to, and/or caused to be subjected to consistent with prior whistleblowing and litigation, experiencing continued subsistent living due to defendants’ periodical retaliatory assaults on Dr. Anderson and others similarly-situated by association since 1997 that included:
* Being denied equal access to the bid process to contract for the restoration of homes and other services.
* Being served 17 warrants for prosecution to be falsely incarceration in Pittsylvania County, Virginia, Chatham, Virginia for simply desiring to assist those living in peonage in those counties.
* Being threatened by businessman and public officials in Pittsylvania County, Virginia.
* Being warned by her attorney to leave in haste to preserve her life, after she was freed of all charges.
* Was reduced to peonage and left homeless as result of coerced relocation.
* Being forced to abandon a six acre property and subjecting it to foreclosure while homeless.
* Being informed that a friend’s wife was murdered in those counties who has assisted her and the individual and another were framed and prosecuted to serve time for over 30 years for capital murder, two years after the murder.
* Was maliciously prosecuted by commonwealth attorney David Grimes of Danville and the commonwealth attorney of Chesapeake for false charges of ‘practicing medicine without a license, without probable cause.
* Denied access to the local media while Caucasians in the same stage were rendered media exposure, out of court settlement and continuous media exposure..
* Became a prisoner of litigation of the Courts and defendants in all cases.
* Officer McGanty taking pictures inside her home with his body camera. And after appealing the CL13-45 case to the U. S. Supreme Court and having her Writ of Certiorari docketed in April, 2014, it was denied on a Motion to Rehear of which explained how multiple people had suffered and died prematurely because; “(2) As a result of the government and this court’s failure to intervene on the taxpayers of Pittsylvania County, Virginia concerns for safer environmental protection from mold and mildew and sewage pollution run offs, faulty piping, faulty floorings, faulty roofing(s) defective electrical wiring, and dilapidation, included but not limited thereto, many have died prematurely leaving their heirs without redress and have foreclosed the heirs rights to life, liberty and property.” Instead, the Courts of Virginia appears to have emulated the same attitude of Justice Roger Brooke Taney who stated, “A Negro has nothing that a White man is bound to respect.” And it clearly defines what Dr. Martin Luther Kings’ stated, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”
Praying for justice
Dr. Anderson says she prays that all who read about her story will understand that she has not harassed the staff at WVEC TV 13, WTKR TV 3, WAVY TV 10, nor the Virginian Pilot Ledger Star, and have been threatened with denial of access on the properties without cause despite her substantial amount of work and services rendered within Virginia and abroad while only receiving treatment of severe bias, discrimination, isolation, death threats, etc. and no matter how Dr. Anderson successfully carry out the field of work which that she has chosen to do. She is denied the rights, privileges and due process of the laws of which were freely rendered to Mrs. Ruth Davenport, a Caucasian elderly lady receiving media exposure of her unfortunate violations of her rights by the Chesapeake Police Department, an out of court settlement, and additional coverage, unlike Dr. Anderson is still trying to acquire the appropriate justice.
Consequently, Dr. Anderson says she finds herself constantly experiencing threats for arrests, media bias, severe discrimination, threats on her life, censor, isolation, evidence suppressed, character assassination, falsely charged with criminal intent without probable cause: accused with attempted murder without any evidence to support such injustice; denied her 1st, 4th, 5th, & 14th Amendment Rights in order to stop the constant attacks of continuing wrongs and retaliation to this day without due process and equal protection of the laws as an American citizen.
A Conspiracy Against Rights, Title 18, U.S.C. § 241, as a result of a murder accusations, misrepresentation performed by an attorney on two Muslims of the Nation of Islam Study Group who supported Dr. Anderson’s work while she was propelled into a criminal trial CL99-05, as she was sought after as a fugitive by the Chesapeake Police Department for a false prefabricated charge of “practicing medicine without a license”; a prefabricated charge by the Danville police in a failed attempt to frame Dr. Anderson with an attempt to commit murder; all because she exposed Misappropriation of Funds in a government program, as previously mention above. She is denied access to petition in the Courts(even after appealing the CL13-45 case to the U. S. Supreme Court; a case number 2:15cv00296 appealed to the U.S. Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals as No. 15-1946, concerning unentertained pre-filing Injunction issues of which is now back before the U.S. District Court in Norfolk, Va.) while being denied access to disseminate to the local media case(CL13-1408); being systematically reduced with others similarly-situated to peonage and Criminal Interference with Right to Fair Housing, Title 42, U.S.C., § 3631.
Dr. Anderson is asking for the media to help bring her story to the limelight “because it is a serious injustice that I have endured.” She can be contacted at (757) 289-9955 or