Bookcover and author, Wintrell Pittman
Nationwide — Wintrell Pittman has published the first book in his series called Children of the World. Mr. Pittman is the author, illustrator and C.E.O. of W.R.P.’S Publications (2017). The Children of the World logo is a likeness of the world being held up by different colored hands. Per Mr. Pittman the different colored hands represent the various races and peoples of the world. The meaning of the logo is that it takes all the people of the world to support the world to make it a loving and peaceful planet.
The Children of the World series teaches children (and some adults) some very important life lessons without the endorsing any religion. This means it should not be a hard sell to get into the school system and other governmental places of education. The Children of the World series will also help children to become more familiar with their colors, as well as enhancing their reading abilities while enjoying themselves at the same time. Another unique feature of the series, is that even though these are not coloring books, there is a coloring activity at the end of each book.
Here is a list of the other books in the series:
* Little Boy Blue, whose feet were so big, he didn’t know what to do.
* Little Girl Purple, who was always getting into trouble.
* Little Girl Green, who was always mean.
* Little Boy White, who seldom seemed to do anything right.
* Little Boy Brown, whose parents were not always around.
* Little Girl Pink, who was always fussing and raising a stink!
* Little Boy Gold, who had a fear of growing old.
* Little Boy Rust, who was rather hard to trust.
* Little Boy Lime, who was never on time.
The goal of Mr. Pittman is to publish each book separately before August of 2017 and shortly afterward combine each into one colorful hard back and have them on sell before Christmas. He can be contacted at wrpspublications@bellsouth.net on his web site, www.wrpspublications.com or simply by giving him a call at 901-8261-8140. The books are published by W.R.P.’S Publications, and are on sale for $9.95 plus $4.00 for shipping and handling.
W.R.P.’S Publications