Nationwide — Having secured numerous television and film acting roles for children, Southern California resident Dr. Chappelle M. Griffin ‘wrote the book’ to help parents by sharing his array of knowledge on the subject. Chapters in Dr. Griffin’s book, titled “Your Child Is Gifted: Excellent Tips, Advice and Techniques for Parents Who Want to Secure Acting Roles for Their Children“, address: Preparing for Audition, Composure and Focus, Analyzing the Script, Getting into Character, Studying and Remembering Lines, Delivering Lines/Vocal Variety, Understanding Voice and Emotion, Do’s and Don’ts for Parents who Manage their Children’s Performing Arts Careers, and a Glossary of Terms Regularly used in the Acting Business.
The teacher and school administrator continued, “By contrast, I have also witnessed students with limitless potential, who simply needed to have a parent, teacher or mentor spend time with them to bring out their innate talents and gifts. Hence, I firmly believe that each child is endowed with special gifts that must be identified and cultivated so that they may experience success.”
The aim of the book is to inspire parents to invest time and energy into their children, so they may grow into confident, well-adjusted adults who feel they have gifts to offer to the world. Your Child Is Gifted provides its readers with “insider tips” that many performers pay thousands of dollars to learn.
The following authoritative quotes validate Dr. Griffin’s view on the affirmative relationship between children’s personal and learning development and arts participation:
“The talents of disadvantaged and minority students have been especially neglected. Students in the arts are offered few challenging experiences anywhere in the United States. Although there are some school districts that offer special arts programming, such opportunities are not widely available, especially in poorer school districts.” — Zimmerman, E. “Arts Education Policy Review”
“There is a link between music activities and improved academic performance, self-concept and social inclusion.” — Professor Graham Welch
“The absence of valid and reliable assessment processes in the arts and the decreasing availability of arts instruction often lead teachers and parents to overlook the creative and artistic abilities of their children.” — Oreck, Owen & Baum
Book Details:
Your Child Is Gifted: Excellent Tips, Advice and Techniques For Parents Who Want to Secure Acting Roles for Their Children
By Chappelle M. Griffin, Ed. D.
(iUniverse, ISBN-10: 1491755245, ISBN-13: 978-1491755242 , paperback, 68 pp, $14.95)
The book is also available in Kindle format ($9.99) at Amazon.com
About the Author:
Chappelle M. Griffin, Ed. D. has many years of experience as a stage and film actor, as well as a stand-up comic in the comedy club circuit of Southern California. When he is not working on his own crafts, he is giving back to the community, because he is a firm believer in the age-old adage, “To whom much is given, much is required.” Additionally, he is a longtime member of SAG/AFTRA, an active member of his community, and the personal manager for his children (pictured on the book cover) who work in the entertainment industry. His screenplay, “Paternity Test” is currently in pre-production.
The author is a happily married Christian father of four children, as well as a lecturer, writer and talent manager. He received his B. A. degree from Florida A & M University, and after earning his M.A. Ed., he received his doctorate in Educational Leadership from California State University, Fresno. As well, Dr. Griffin is an English teacher and school administrator in California’s public K-12 school system.
To schedule interviews or speaking engagements with the author, contact Toni Beckham | 209-832-8020/408-499-3664c | Toni@PRetCetera.com
Toni Beckham
PR, et Cetera, Inc.
209-832-8020/ 408-499-3664 (cell)