An organized effort to promote Ghana as a prime tourist, business and alternative/joint living destination for African Americans in 2019 and beyond

Back2Africa Group from DC at Flagstaff House in Ghana
Photo Credit: Loves Life Photography
Washington, DC — Brought to you by the Ghana Tourism Authority and The Adinkra Group, fresh off the successful launch of the first Annual Back2Africa Festival and Ghana’s 61st Independence Celebration, The Ghana Tourism US East Coast Visit stops through three major African American Urban centers and markets to promote Ghana in general as a prime tourism destination and specifically – its African Diaspora Festivals in the year 2019. The tour will make stops in Washington, DC, New York, and Chicago hosting travel agents, tour companies, church leaders, school officials, and other community leaders who are currently or newly interested in exposing their constituents and customer base to Ghana.
It’s wholly appropriate for Ghana to serve as the Gateway to Africa and be the first African Nation to welcome Africans in the diaspora home. Ghana’s claim to the position of gateway to the Homeland is well grounded in the fact that it was a major West African exit point for slaves during the Middle Passage. Currently, about 40 Forts, Castles, and lodges used for the Slave trade are in existence in the country, with 3 of them; St. George’s Castle and St. Jago Fort, both at Elmina, and Cape Coast Castle, designated by UNESCO as World Heritage sites. Furthermore, more than any other African nation, Ghana has the greatest number of African Americans living in country who have chosen Ghana as their home.
The Tour will focus specifically on three diaspora festivals as a direct way for African Americans to reconnect with Africa:
Back2Africa Festival | February 25 – March 7, 2019
Celebrates Black History Month the last week of February through Ghanaian Independence Day in the first week of March in Ghana, West Africa connecting African American cultural art forms with the music and culture of Ghana West Africa connecting the dots from the roots to the branches throughout the diaspora. Two Cultures. One Foundation.
Emancipation Day | August 1, 2019
Emancipation Day is an annual event in Ghana. Emancipation was originally celebrated in the Caribbean to commemorate the final abolition of Chattel Slavery in the British colonies on 1st August 1834. Ghana became the first African nation to join in the celebration in 1998 to re-affirm its status as the Gateway to the African Homeland of Diasporans.
The Right to Return | December 27 – 29, 2019
For the first time in history in December 2016, 34 Africans of the diaspora were granted the right to return to Ghana, West Africa and given citizenship. This festival celebrates that historic occasion and sets the path for the next group of citizens who will be granted the right to return. Ghana has committed to working towards streamlining citizenship for Africans in the diaspora and this festival marks that effort and time when citizenships will be granted.
The Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA) is the public service agency in charge of regulating tourism in Ghana through marketing and promotion, licensing and classification of tourism facilities and services, research and development. In recent times, the Authority has embarked on several campaigns aimed at marketing and positioning Ghana as an attractive tourism destination.
The Adinkra Group (TAG) is an African Cultural Resource Company based in Washington, DC with a mission is to connect people of African descent with the culture and traditions of Africa through the Arts and Education.
Tourism Presentation
WHAT: Ghana Tourism Authority US East Coast Visit
WHO: Ghana Tourism Authority and The Adinkra Group
WHEN: March 12 – March 14, 2018
Washington, DC – Monday, March 12, 2018
Brooklyn, NY – Tuesday, March 13, 2018
Chicago – Wednesday, March 14, 2018
Media inquiries are directed to:
U.S: Kelly Davidson | 301-300-4011 |
Ghana: Ms. Felicia Aniagyei | +233-302-682-601 |