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The International Black Summit Prepares For Its 33rd Annual Summit Event, August 3-6, 2023

International Black Summit

Nationwide — Organized in 1991 to “provide an opportunity for participants to bring into being their vision for the Black community and the world,” the International Black Summit prepares to deliver another powerful gathering of people of African descent throughout the African diaspora.

This year’s Annual Summit Event takes place Thursday, August 3rd through Sunday, August 6th in two host locations of Buffalo, New York, and Antigua, West Indies, as well as worldwide via video conference technology!

Since its first annual event in Atlanta, Georgia, in October 1991, the New York-based nonprofit has held over 32 in-person and virtual annual events in countries around the world, including in Africa, South America, North America, the Caribbean, and Europe. Beginning with the second Annual Summit Event in Highland Park, Michigan in 1992, its flagship program now happens the first weekend in August each year.

So what is the International Black Summit’s Annual Summit Event?

The Annual Summit Event is:

• An EVENT that takes place every first weekend in August of each year, attended by people of Black African Descent who are committed to the unfoldment of the Declaration in their lives.

• A GATHERING of people of Black African Descent from diverse backgrounds, countries, lifestyles, opinions, and views -who come together to celebrate and empower the vision of the Declaration.

• A Place to Clear Yourself so as to be able to hear what life is telling you.

• Acknowledgment, Praise, and Celebration of who we are as a people and the contribution we are to the world.

• A Global Shift in the Conversation about who People of Black African Descent are in the world.

What do participants say about their experience and the value received from their participation in the Annual Summit Event?

Participants from around the world have found the Annual Summit Event to be a profoundly rejuvenating catalyst for transformation – an unexpected access to self-discovery, a deeper relatedness to others, and a safe space to uncover hidden limitations.

“Whatever it is that Slavery has taken from me and from all People of Black African Descent. I say that the Summit puts it back. I’m talking about religion (spirit), dignity, and self-esteem. I’m talking about love and appreciation for who you are and what you provide. I’m talking about you matter and so do all of us.” — N. D. Simmons, New York, NY

Participants leave the Summit with increased skill and clarity that support generating more fulfillment in life. As a result, positive breakthroughs often occur that improve relationships, careers, spirituality, finances, and well-being.

“I was a major in the air force, it was a bright sunny day, I park my car and I walk into the officers club. As I enter the bar, I see a table of young Black officers off to the right, just laughing and having a great time. They wave me over, I wave back, and continue on to the bar, and take a seat. Then the questions in my mind begin. “Why didn’t I go over there? If I go over there, would they think I talk funny? I hope they don’t start talking about rap music! I don’t know anything about rap music! I grew up on rock, pop, and RnB! Would they think I was Black enough?” A short time after this incident, a friend invites me to register for the International Black Summit, and I register right away. I fly to Detroit to attend the 2nd Annual Summit Event in Highland Park. Three and a half days later, all of my questions about being Black disappear! For the first time, I own all of who I am as a Black man, and I experience being profoundly related to all People of Black African Descent! Life-altering!” — D. U. Peay, former USAF Major, Chester, SC

Expert facilitation has been credited with leaving participants captivated.

“…as I watched the facilitators calmly and passionately share their lives and hold the space for us to listen to ourselves, I said to myself, ”I want some of that for me”.’ And I have not missed a Summit since 2001.” — J. Lawrence – Ottawa, Canada

The Annual Summit Event and all of the nonprofit’s programs and offerings are sourced from the powerful Declaration of the International Black Summit available for you to read in its entirety below.

The Thursday Night Opening Celebration is open to all people aged eight and older who have an interest or sincere desire to positively impact the quality of life of People of Black African Descent worldwide. Enjoy music, song, and entertainment with a flavor of the spirit of Buffalo and Antigua, ending with an invitation to register for the rest of the weekend.

From Friday morning until Sunday night, you are invited to participate in a unique opportunity to impact your own life and to bring into being YOUR VISION for Black Communities and the world.

For more information and to register for an extraordinary, dynamic experience, visit the International Black Summit website at BlackSummit.org/ase

For press inquiries, contact David Peay, 212-561-0325, MediaRelations@BlackSummit.org

NOTE: The International Black Summit Incorporated is a nonprofit, tax-exempt service organization registered in New York, NY, and is not affiliated with any other local, state, or national organization.