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Thursday, April 15, 2021

This Mompreneur Has Written 15 Books With Her Two Sons During the Pandemic

Pongee Barnes and her sons, the founders of Little Owners book series

Nationwide — Pongee Barnes, a 36-year old mom from Chicago, is celebrating having written 15 different books during the pandemic with her two sons, 10-year old Benjamin and 7-year old Franklin. The books are a part of a series called Little Owners that is designed to teach children about entrepreneurship and financial literacy.

Pongee has always had a passion for success and business ownership. She began her real estate career when she was still a student at Southern Illinois University. After graduating, she was able to build a thriving portfolio of commercial and residential properties throughout the Chicago area.

Her success as an entrepreneur sparked the idea to educate her children and children around the world about the importance of having an entrepreneurial mindset.

Pongee comments, “One of two of my life-changing moments was becoming a mom. Like most mothers, this changed my entire life and really is the most rewarding job of my life. My two children have helped shape and shift my mindset to look outside of my own self and really hone in on how to enhance the lives of others.”

She continues, “My children have inspired me to see all children as my own thus the birth of the Little Owners book series for kids.”

The Little Owners book series have been featured in Black Enterprise, Rolling Out, Chicago Defender, and Chicago’s Fox News affiliate. The books are also being used by the Boys & Girls Club of America, the Jack and Jill of America Foundation, and many school districts across the country.

In addition to their publications, Pongee and her two sons are also planning to launch a Little Owners mentorship program that will allow children to work directly in their field of interest with people who look like them.

For more details and/or to purchase the books, visit LittleOwners.com

Also, be sure to follow the brand on both Instagram and Facebook.

For press inquiries, contact info@littleowners.com or 800-895-0583.