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Monday, May 10, 2021

Twin Brother and Sister Awarded $1.5M in Scholarships, Accepted into 15 Colleges

Reagan and Ricardo Razon, Black twins who won $1 million in scholarships

Nationwide — Reagan and Ricardo Razon, 17-year old twins from Raleigh, North Carolina, have both been accepted into 15 universities and have been offered more than $1.5 million in scholarships.

Since they were kids, the two have always enjoyed studying and learning new things even on weekends. Now, they are getting ready to conquer the next step in achieving their big dreams for their future.

The twins started with their college applications early. They were excited every time they receive acceptance letters and decided to vlog when they open it.

Both of them were accepted to top universities such as Harvard, Duke, Yale, MIT, UPenn, and more. They also earned over $1.53 million combined in non-need merit-based scholarships.

“We were both pleasantly surprised, but also grateful to receive all the offers that we did receive. Especially, as we’re experiencing a global pandemic. This year has been different for many students and the college application process has also been increasingly difficult,” Reagan told WRAL.

Even though they were used to being together since they were born, they decided to part ways for college as Reagan accepted the Robertson Scholarship at Duke and Ricardo would attend Harvard.

Reagan and Ricardo are both interested in taking programs that are related to STEM. They also hope to inspire children from underserved communities to dream big.

“I want to be somebody who brings diversity in the fields in the occupation I choose to go in, in the leadership positions I choose to seek,” Ricardo said.