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Tuesday, May 21, 2019

School Bans Black Mom After She Confronts Her Daughter’s Bullies

Christian Tinsley, mother banned from school

Christian Tinsley and her daughter during an interview with Inside Edition

Laguna Niguel, CA — When Christian Tinsley learned that her daughter was being bullied and sexually harassed at school, she instinctively wanted to protect her child. However, when she confronted her daughter’s bullies, the school responded by banning her from the school’s property.

In a video reportedly recorded by a student, Tinsley can be seen at a classroom in Niguel Hills Middle School issuing a warning to students she believed had been bullying her daughter. The enraged mother said, “She’s a girl and y’all are boys. If you bully my daughter, if you look at her the wrong way, if you breathe the wrong way, send your moms to me. Sisters, aunts, anybody over 18 — I’ll f**k them all up. You understand me?”

Tinsley said her daughter has been targeted for racist and derogatory harassment and bullying for months. That day had been her final straw after seeing her daughter cry before being dropped off for school and begged to just stay in the car.

“She made a comment to me that if she wasn’t as strong as she was, she would have killed herself,” Tinsley told CBS Los Angeles. “That’s when Mama Bear mode went into effect.”

Prior to that incident, Tinsley has already reported the bullying to the school officials. But after that, the bullying only became worse and her daughter had even been sexually harassed by one of the boy students. The boy has been suspended and the school launched an investigation but the bullying never stopped.

“I think that sometimes when you’ve done everything you can do the way you’re supposed to do it, and it hasn’t been resolved, then sometimes as a parent you have to decide if you’re going to go a step further and deal with any consequences,” Tinsley said.

Immediately after she confronted the bullies, school administrators escorted her out. Days after that, the Capistrano Unified School District has issued a statement banning Tinsley from campus as they investigate her bullying claims.

“Kids are committing suicide every day because they’re getting bullied, I don’t want that for my daughter. So what do I do when my daughter says she’s afraid to go to school?” Tinsley told ABC 7. “They can really affect other people and make this a hostile learning environment. Everyone deserves to be able to come to school every day and feel safe.”