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Sunday, December 1, 2019

School Principal to Use $300K Grant to Recruit More Black Educators

Sharif El Mekki, school principal

Philadelphia, PA — Sharif El-Mekki, the principal at the Mastery Charter School in Philadelphia and founder of The Center for Black Educator Development, has been awarded a $300,000 grant that will be used to help recruit more Black educators.

The grant was awarded by Philadelphia 76ers forward Tobias Harris, who has made philanthropic efforts to support the education profession. When he discovered The Center for Black Educator Development, he reached out to them.

“It’s a great organization. I really love what they are doing for African American teachers,” Harris told The Notebook. “This will really give them a platform. The numbers don’t lie.”

According to studies, the lack of Black educators could affect Black children’s education. Black children were found to less likely to graduate from high school if they only had one Black teacher, but if they had at least two, they would more likely attend college.

El-Mekki, who became known for introducing free laundromats to schools to lessen bullying and increase class attendance, established The Center for Black Educator Development earlier this year.

The organization aims to spread awareness about the lack of Black educators and encourage Black youth to consider teaching careers. It also offers workshops and professional development for teachers.